In February 2025, Hablamos Islam released an updated version of Notable Latino Muslim Organizations in the US, highlighting the growing presence of Latino Muslims nationwide. Originally published in 2019, this revised map showcases key organizations dedicated to religious education, community support, and advocacy. From Islam in Spanish HQ in Texas to Alianza Islámica in New York, these groups reflect the increasing influence of Latino Muslims in the American Muslim landscape. This map serves as a vital resource, documenting the resilience and contributions of this diverse community.
Read MoreEl 1 de octubre de 2001, una telenovela brasileña llamada O Clone se emitió por primera vez en la televisión Rede Globo. Más tarde se vendería a más de 90 países. Su nombre fue traducido a El Clon para audiencias de habla hispana. El Clon fue la primera serie de televisión que revolucionó por completo la percepción de los musulmanes en América Latina, y no sería la última.
Read MoreWhen I converted to Islam back in August of 2000, I knew it would be a gradual transition of adding regular prayers throughout the day, fasting during Ramadan, and changing my wardrobe. However, these changes proved to be minimal compared to the challenge of dealing with negative opinions about Islam and Muslims. I steered clear of the people who wanted to bring negativity in my life, but when the comments came from family, they were harder to swallow.
Read MoreFifteen years ago, my husband and I, both Latino converts to Islam, welcomed our first son to this world. Alhamdulillah, he was the first Muslim child born into our families, a blend of Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian heritages living here in the U.S. His fitra, that innate faith in one Supreme Creator, was untainted unlike ours had been. He did not have to discover Islam later in life in his teens and twenties like his parents had…And so began our Muslim parenting journey, one that we are still striving to navigate efficiently as more and more challenges and blessings present themselves.
Read MoreLatinos continue to be the fastest growing minority in America and in Islam. If either of those facts come as a surprise, there is much for you to learn about our culture.
Latinos are a people from various countries and backgrounds, bound together by a shared language and principles, as well as a history of being victims of colonization, oppression, and injustice. Latinos have a lot in common with Muslims, and that is perhaps because we are descendants of European, African, and Indigenous Muslims. Islam is in our blood!
Read MoreEl Licenciado Jamal A. (Díaz) Abdul-Karim es el director de la División Superior de la Escuela Al-Rahmah en el condado de Baltimore, Maryland. Es un converso de ascendencia cubana y nativo de Manhattan, Nueva York. Está casado y tiene siete hijos, desde los 29 y hasta los 50 años de edad…Le pedimos que compartiera sus pensamientos sobre la celebración del mes de Ramadán como musulmán latino.
¿Cómo se preparan usted y su familia para el mes de Ramadán?
Jamal A. (Diaz) Abdul-Karim is the director of the Upper Division of Al-Rahmah School in Baltimore County, Maryland. He is a convert of Cuban descent and a native of Manhattan, New York. He is married and has seven children, ages ranging from 29 to 50….We asked him to share his thoughts on celebrating the month of Ramadan as a Latino Muslim.
Read MoreMy mission is to be a voice for the underrepresented Latin American Muslim community, and especially for our children. Insha’Allah, I hope these books and more to come will help us understand each other and be more welcoming to those we do not know.
Read MoreAlhamdulillah, I think there are a growing number of resources for Spanish-speaking adult Muslims. These include literature as well as websites, audio, and videos. However, I think the Spanish-speaking Muslim community is lacking resources for Muslim children…
Read MoreI am a Latino who also happens to be Muslim, which is still somewhat of an anomaly here in the U.S.
Read MoreMuslims throughout history have had a reputation of being disciplined, strong, and courageous. We can see and learn about this through the stories of the companions
Read MoreIn the last year Ojalá Foundation held over 52 bilingual classes, 4 seminars taught by religious leaders, 12 community potlucks, 6 programs about Latino Muslims at different Islamic centers, fed more than 1800 home-cooked meals, given out hundreds of blankets, sleeping bags, socks, gloves and tents along with a few thousand hand and foot warmers, and successfully executed 4 neighborhood clean-ups.
Read MoreAs such, it is no wonder that Islam has found fertile ground in Cuba, located in the Caribbean Sea, only 90 miles away from Florida. For years, Muslim international students have interacted with the locals and taught them about their religion, some even establishing spaces for worship in private residences.
Read MoreDescubrí el Islam tras conocer a una amiga egipcia y compartir con su familia musulmana en varias ocasiones. Despertó en mí una curiosidad por la religión cuando los vi rezar y pregunte sobre sus creencias.
Read MoreThe year 2019 is only a few weeks in and already has its very own social media challenge, the “How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge,” with its accompanying hashtags, the #10YearChallenge, #2009vs2019, or for the more seasoned veterans, #1999vs2009. The goal?
Read MoreFor new Muslims nothing can be more daunting than dealing with family members’ reactions to the decision of converting to Islam. Parents, siblings, and other relatives can either shun their newly-Muslim family member, ask very tough questions…
Read MoreOne of the many things that she did that I am grateful for until this day is allowing my friend and I to vent our frustrations by performing spoken poetry in front of the class, or what we thought at the time were cool rap songs that we composed. It was the early 90’s and the topic of our amateur lyrics was Operation Desert Storm.
Read MoreSomos testigos de la realización de esta profecía hoy en día, ya que el Islam sigue extendiéndose desde el este hacia el oeste, incluyendo América del Norte y del Sur, donde el número de musulmanes se duplicará para el año 2030, según las estadísticas.
Read MoreWe are witnessing the realization of this prophecy today, as Islam continues to spread from the East to the West, including North and South America, where the number of Muslims will more than double by the year 2030, according to statistical projections.
Read MoreTheir xenophobic and Islamophobic rhetoric questioning the allegiance and morality of Muslims and Latino immigrants is reminiscent of the Second Red Scare during the McCarthy era, in which a hysterical fear of communists (Reds) caused panic throughout the U.S.
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