Latino Muslims in America
Latinos continue to be the fastest growing minority in America and in Islam. If either of those facts come as a surprise, there is much for you to learn about our culture.
Latinos are a people from various countries and backgrounds, bound together by a shared language and principles, as well as a history of being victims of colonization, oppression, and injustice. Latinos have a lot in common with Muslims, and that is perhaps because we are descendants of European, African, and Indigenous Muslims. Islam is in our blood!
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From Cuba to the Ka’ba: A Glimpse Into the Past, Present, and Future of Islam in Cuba
As such, it is no wonder that Islam has found fertile ground in Cuba, located in the Caribbean Sea, only 90 miles away from Florida. For years, Muslim international students have interacted with the locals and taught them about their religion, some even establishing spaces for worship in private residences.
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Time Capsules of Islamic Heritage: Beyond Andalusia
They must have thought I would not understand them, confusing me for Arab or South Asian, so I stood silently waiting, half smiling. “Mira como los hombres rezan solos y ellas separadas (Look how the men pray alone and keep them [the women] separated,” the older gentleman remarked. The younger man shrugged and continued to work.
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Dos grandes mujeres en la historia del Islam
En muchas sociedades no-musulmanas, existe un concepto falso con respecto a la mujer musulmana…
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Los latinos adoptando el Islam: un regreso a sus verdaderas raíces
El Islam enseña que el ser humano nace con una naturaleza innata de la pureza y la inclinación primordial hacia el tauhid (la unicidad de Dios; el monoteísmo). Esta disposición natural, la fitrah en árabe, está en completa armonía con las creencias y prácticas del Islam.
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Christian and Muslim Relations: Extracting Lessons from Early Islamic History
The scholar Ibn Kathir said in his explanation of the meaning of the Qur’an that, “This verse refers to those who call themselves Christians, who follow the religion of the Messiah and the teachings of his Gospel. These people are generally more tolerant of Islam and its people, because of the mercy and kindness that their hearts acquired through part of the Messiah's religion.
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Islam in Ecuador
The first Muslim settlers were primarily Arabs from what is known to us now as Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Egypt. They emigrated to Ecuador for the same reasons they came to the rest of the Latin world, escaping from World War I and II.
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La influencia de los árabes musulmanes en España
En el año 711 el gran general musulmán, Tariq ibn Ziyad, acompañado por un ejército de 7.000 soldados, cruzó el estrecho desde el norte de África hacia España.
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