Hablamos Islam, We Speak Islam

In 2009, only one percent of Muslims identified as Hispanic. By 2018, that number had reached seven percent, according to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding’s annual report “American Muslim Poll: Predicting and Preventing Islamophobia. “That’s a 700 percent growth in less than 10 years, and no other group has grown at this rate,” reported Dalia Mogahed, ISPU’s Director of Research. 

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Latino, Hispanic or LatinX: What’s in a Name?

Is there a difference between the three terms Latino, Hispanic, and LatinX? Why are there so many different options to describe the same group of people, and which one should we use? Even for a Latina, Puerto Rican Muslim like myself, it gets a bit confusing. So, to understand the origin of the terms let us explore how they came about and why.

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Cultura, En InglésWendy Díaz
Hispanic Heritage: Intertwined with Islamic Heritage

Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually in the United States from the 15th of September to the 15th of October. It began as Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and was upgraded to a month in 1989 to “honor the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries,” according to the official government website (hispanicheritagemonth.gov).

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La importancia de los 40 años en el Islam

Me convertí al Islam a la edad de 20 años, y fue un momento decisivo en mi vida. Faltaba poco para que cumpliera 21 años, y mis amigas esperaban que celebrara la ocasión en una discoteca o comprando alcohol legalmente (en los Estados Unidos la edad mínima para comprar alcohol es 21). Se sorprendieron al descubrir que me había convertido en musulmana y que no tenía ninguna intención de aceptar sus invitaciones para salir de fiesta.

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