ICNA/WhyIslam Humans of Islam Interview
Wendy Díaz (Right) with winners of Hablamos Islam book giveaway at NHIEC’s Latino Muslim Day 2018.
Interview with Wendy Díaz
1. What influenced you to become a Muslim?
In my freshman or sophomore year of high school, I saw the movie, Malcolm X, and I was so moved by his life and role in the civil rights movement that I wanted to know more about him. I bought Malcolm X’s autobiography and was intrigued by the religion of Islam. However, it wasn’t until I was in 11th grade that I met one of my best friends, who happened to be a Muslim Egyptian by the name Hebatullah (A gift from Allah). I feel like her name bears great significance in my life because it was through her that I found Islam. Through interacting with her and her family, I became acquainted with the religion and began to ask questions until finally her father gave me a copy of the Qur’an and some books with information about Islam.
2. What has been/is your greatest challenge after accepting Islam?
There have been many challenges that have come since I accepted Islam, but by far the most difficult and continuous is raising my children as good, practicing Muslims, and being a good example for them. Knowing that I will be questioned about them on the Day of Judgement and that they are both a trust and a test for me from Allah is a scary thought. I want them to have the opportunities that my husband and I did not have growing up as non-Muslims, so I try to keep them close to the Islamic community, give them an Islamic education, and also teach them to be especially kind and understanding with their non-Muslim relatives and neighbors. Insha’Allah, I want them to be positive individuals who practice their faith and reflect it in their everyday dealings with people.
3. How has your life changed since you accepted Islam?
Alhamdulillah, I feel at peace knowing that I have a relationship with my Creator. I had many questions about God and religion when I was a Catholic. I went to Catholic school as a child and also Sunday school, but I never felt my questions about religion were answered until I started reading about Islam. I used to feel uncomfortable with the images and statues inside the cathedrals and couldn’t understand why they were there, when in the Bible it clearly stated that they were forbidden. I left the Catholic Church and joined a non-denominational Christian church right before I was introduced to Islam, and even then my heart was not at peace or satisfied with the answers I was given. I find that Islam answers all the questions that I have about God and my purpose in life, and the answers are logical and rational.
4. What advice would you give to someone looking to convert to Islam?
I would advise anyone looking into Islam to study it deeply, to pray to God for guidance, and not to wait once they are convinced. Once they do embrace Islam, they should take things easy and understand that just as the Qur’an was revealed in sections over a period of 23 years, so should we try our best to learn things step by step. At the same token, they should strive to learn the Qur’an and the language in which it was revealed, and to perfect their prayer, and to seek as much knowledge as possible. Islam is a lifelong journey, and learning should be continuous.
5. What changes do you see in yourself after accepting Islam?
I don’t feel that I have changed much as a person. I am still me. I am still Puerto Rican, I eat the same foods (sans pork :-), and I have the same hobbies and interests. The difference is that I am more disciplined. I have eliminated those things that are harmful for me and have replaced them with that which is beneficial. I am conscious of God and strive to please Him however I can and to stay away from things that are displeasing to Him. I also have a role model to follow in how I live my life, and that is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. That in a nutshell is the essence of Islam.
6. How did people react to your decision of converting to Islam?
My parents thought I was going through a phase because I was young and impressionable in their eyes. But once they saw me praying and wanting to wear hijab, they realized I was serious. My father told me that I could follow whatever religion I wanted so long as I practiced it and it made me a better person. He liked the discipline that Islam had to offer and like any concerned father, he appreciated that his daughter would not be allowed to drink alcohol, use drugs, go to mixed parties, and have boyfriends! Neither he nor my mother liked the idea of me wearing hijab, but alhamdulillah, after a while they got used to it.
7. New reverts to Islam might not always get the support from the ones around them. How would you advise a new Muslim to cope with the challenges they face right after accepting Islam?
New Muslims should slow down and realize that not everyone around them will accept Islam right away or at all. Allah even revealed to the Prophet Muhammad that he would not be able to guide those whom he loved, because it is only up to Allah to guide them. So we should understand that although we want what is best for our loved ones, they are in the same place we were before we learned about Islam. We have to be patient with them and show them more love and respect than ever before, no matter how much they reject us or question our actions. Allah says in the Qur’an to seek help in patience and prayer, so keep that in mind when times get tough and also stay surrounded by good, practicing Muslims if possible.
8. If a non-Muslim were reading this, what message would you give them of Islam?
Don’t let the media tell you about Islam; do your own research. In order to know Islam, you have to ask a Muslim about Islam and also read the Qur’an and other books which explain the basics. Islam is a beautiful religion which teaches that in order to obtain peace and happiness in life, we have to abide by God’s laws and make Him foremost in our lives. We also have to be tolerant of others and good to our families and neighbors always. We know that there are horrible things happening in the world, and that oftentimes in the news we hear about so-called Muslims committing acts of violence, but we condemn all these acts of senseless violence and we say loud and proud that Islam has nothing to do with that.
9. There are lots of people out there who are interest in Islam but are afraid of accepting it? Any advice for them?
There is no reason to be afraid of accepting Islam. Accepting Islam is believing and declaring that nothing is worthy of worship except God and that Muhammad is His final prophet. If you don’t want to displease your loved ones, God will make things easy for you and because of those people’s love for you, they will eventually understand you and accept you as a Muslim. If you are afraid of what people will say, then God is more worthy that you should fear Him. If you have some vice that you think you will not be able to give up, don’t worry about that for now. The first step is accepting God’s oneness and His prophets, everything else will be a work-in-progress.
10. What is the greatest change you see in yourself after you accepted Islam?
I’m at peace and I feel like I have the answers I need to live my life according to what God wants from me."
Taken from https://latinomuslimoutreach.blogspot.com/2017/01/icnawhyislam-humans-of-islam-interview.html