About Us
Serving the Latino Muslim Community for over 15 years
Hablamos Islam, Inc. (We Speak Islam) consists of a family of converts that dedicates their time, energy, and capital to produce educational resources about Islam in Spanish for the Spanish-speaking communities around the world.
Our History
Wendy Díaz converts to Islam in August 2000.
Hernán Guadalupe converts to Islam on September 11th, 2001.
Wendy Díaz begins to participate in community outreach events with Dar-us-Salaam/Al Huda School in Maryland.
Hernán Guadalupe has the honor to meet Sheikh Juan Suquillo during Ramadan at NHIEC in Union City, NJ and starts to attend his classes.
.Following their marriage, Hernan and Wendy become active members of the NHIEC dawah committee in Union City, NJ.
Wendy Díaz
and Hernán Guadalupe were active members of the NHIEC’s dawah committee in Union City, NJ.
The PrimeXample Company and the Latino Muslim Outreach Project (LMOP) were created as a means to educate the public about Islam in English and Spanish.
PrimeXample presented Latinos in Islam: Rediscovering our Roots at the University of Columbia, NY for the first time. This was a historic event in New York where Muslims and non-Muslims come together to learn and discuss untold events about the Latino culture.
Hablsmos Islam event (formely known as PrimeXample) during the early years.
Both are dedicated to translating articles on Islam from English to Spanish and lecturing on numerous topics on Islam at various colleges and universities in the Northeast such as Columbia University, Rutgers, NJ Institute of Technology, Stevens Institute of Technology, Temple University, George Mason University, Fordham University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Johns Hopkins, among others.
The couple travels to Cairo, Egypt for formal Arabic and Islamic studies.
Hernán and Wendy return to the U.S. and decide to dissolve PrimeXample to focus more on dawah in the Latino community. The name of the organization is changed to “Hablamos Islam”, representing its mission: to speak about Islam in the Spanish language for the purpose of educating and offering a voice for the Latino Muslim community.
Hablamos Islam
is dedicated to educating and being the voice of the Latino Muslim community.
Realizing the lack of educational materials on Islam for children, Hablamos Islam begins the task of filling this gap by creating Hablamos Islam Niños.
Hablamos Islam Niños creates and launches its first children’s show episode, "Hablamos Islam con Ahmed," teaching children about Islam in a fun and engaging way and in their language.
¡Hablamos Islam Con Ahmed!
The stars of the popular children's show, Hablamos Islam con Ahmed - Yusuf, Sheikh Abdullah, and Ahmed the Puppet
Hablamos Islam Niños produces and publishes its first bilingual children's book, A Veil and a Beard.
Hablamos Islam launches its Latino Muslim Outreach blog called the latinomuslimreporter.com.
Events from 2013 to present, which the Hablamos Islam team has participated.
Over the last decade, Hablamos Islam has worked to continue their efforts which include distributing Islamic children's books to various cities in over 18 different countries at no cost, publishing ten more books, producing over 80 YouTube videos, participating in various conferences, and actively advocating for the education of Latino Muslims across the country. The latest achievement of 2020 includes publishing our books on Amazon for worldwide distribution.
Wendy Díaz
sharing her book, The Secret of My Hijab, during the children’s storytime at ICCL in Laurel, MD.
Más allá de 2020
We will strive to continue our initiatives to be the leader in bilingual educational material for Spanish-speaking Muslim children and parents, insha'Allah. If you wish to support our current initiatives and projects, please feel free to donate here.
All proceeds go directly to the production of more material in Spanish and to facilitate the education efforts for Latinos worldwide.